My Courses and Material List Pages

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The Student Portal in Simple Syllabus makes preparing for class easy by providing students centralized access to syllabi for all courses they are enrolled in for a term, as well as putting together a shopping list of materials they will need for the term. The My Courses and Material List pages are both optional features.


To enable or disable the My Courses and Material List pages:

  • Go to the Admin Cogwheel in the upper right of your screen.
  • Select the Theme link from the Site Settings menu.
  • Scroll to Syllabus Library Settings, then to My Courses and Material List Access.
  • To enable the My Courses or Materials List for students, toggle the appropriate slider to the right. To disable the My Courses or Materials List feature toggle the slider to the left.

Pencil20px72.png IMPORTANT: For the My Courses and Material List features to be enabled, your institution must import student enrollment data into Simple Syllabus.

Student experience: My Courses

From within the Student Portal, students may access the My Courses page by clicking My courses from the left side navigation. 

This page provides students quick and easy access to syllabi for courses that they are enrolled in for a term, as well as access to syllabi for previous terms that may be needed for transfer credit or to dispute a grade. 

While on the My Courses page, students are able to view the web version of a syllabus, print a syllabus, or follow a syllabus so that they receive an email notification anytime a change is made. The required materials for each course are also listed on the right of each syllabus. 

Students may also filter their courses by using the Search and filter tool at the top of the page, by Term, Subject, Course number, Organization or Instructor. There is also an option to select the All Courses page that displays a student’s previous courses and required materials. 

Student experience: Material List

From within the Student Portal, students may access the Material List by clicking Material List from the left-side navigation, or from the Shopping List link located above the courses listed on the My Courses page. 

Simple Syllabus makes shopping for course materials easy with the Material List page in the Student Portal. An aggregate shopping list of materials that a student needs for each term is generated.

 Students are able to filter their Material List by term using the term dropdown at the top of the page. 

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