How do I get a digital version of a syllabus?

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Enrolled syllabi:

To get a digital version of a course syllabus that you are enrolled in from your Student Dashboard:

  • Click My Courses My-courses-icon.png from the left navigation
  • Find the syllabus from the collection using the Search and filter tool.  

  • Click the thumbnail image or the View for the desired syllabus to retrieve a digital, full-page version.
  • Click Print to download or print a PDF version of a syllabus.
  • Click Follow for a notification when a syllabus has been re-submitted.

Not enrolled syllabi:

To obtain a digital version of a course syllabus for a course that you are not currently enrolled in from your Student dashboard:

  • Click Syllabus Library from the left navigation.
  • Find the syllabus from the collection using the Search and filter tool or by scanning the Syllabus library and browsing the various colleges and departments.

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